Women’s Mental Health
Xiomara A. Sosa Xiomara A. Sosa

Women’s Mental Health

Women experience a variety of different mental health concerns that include anxiety, depression, dysphoria, and trauma/stressor-related disorders. Women experience symptoms differently than men do and are at greater risk for some types of mental health conditions. Women must receive mental health treatment that addresses their unique needs as women.

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Xiomara A. Sosa Xiomara A. Sosa


If you are experiencing intrusive memories, avoidance, negative changes in thinking and mood, changes in physical and emotional reaction, flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, uncontrollable thoughts about a terrifying event, by either experiencing it or witnessing it, and this is causing significant problems in social or work situations, in relationships, or if they are interfering with your ability to go about your normal daily tasks:

I provide you with effective treatment to help reduce your symptoms and improve your function.

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