Counselors/therapists are NOT Life Coaches, Magicians, Psychics, or Physicians

We are clinical mental health professionals. Only we are credentialed to diagnose, treat, or cure mental health disorders and illnesses.

Also, we are the appropriate professionals to help with behavioral, psychological, and psychiatric issues.

Therapists (Mental Health Therapists) are:

  • Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors

  • Licensed Psychiatrists

  • Licensed Psychologists

  • Licensed Social Workers

  • Licensed Alcohol and Drugs Addiction Counselors

  • Licensed Marriage and Family Counselors

  • Licensed Psychiatric Nurse

Please see a qualified mental health professional for your mental health needs. Not a coach unless they are also a licensed mental health professional. 

#Counselors #Therapists #MentalHealth 

Xiomara A. Sosa

Clinical Mental Health Counselor Xiomara A. Sosa, a holistic, integrative board-certified Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor/Candidate focuses on combining evidence-based treatment with alternative therapies. She focuses on treating the whole person, not just the symptoms of a particular illness or concern. That includes mental health, physical health, emotional well-being, interpersonal relationships, and spiritual needs. She helps you identify patterns in your life that may contribute to your struggles and work on developing strategies for making healthier choices. She is a Latina bilingual counselor and therapist who offers virtual and in-person sessions to individuals in South Carolina. She offers counseling and therapy to individuals in both English and Spanish.

Full bio

May is Mental Health Awareness Month


Our mental health specialties